Tell us about your struggles! We can solve them!

Efficiency Pains

It can’t be ignored and it consistently reduces the quality of your life. You would rather be doing something else.

Wasting Time or Money

You need to do this work, but if feels like a waste of precious resources.

Cannot Be Ignored or Delegated

You have to deal with the problem every time it occurs, you can’t opt out (even though you would love to).

Occurs Frequently and Repeatedly

It happens frequently (every day/week/month) and it is usually the most urgent thing at the time. It needs to be solved there and then, every single time.

Takes Too Much Time

You need to spend considerable time and effort each time you solve the problem, it is impossible to just deal with it. Unwelcome chore, important, yet tiresome.

Tried to Solve It Using Your Custom System and Failed

You have a pile of Post-its, chaotic assortment of Word and Excel files, yet the problem did not get much easier.

Technologies we love.

We usually speak Vue.js/Golang/Python/Spark but we are polyglot technologists ready to always use the right tools for the job at the hand.

Production grade solutions.

We usually cloud on AWS and Google Cloud. This brings scalability, reliability, security and cost-effectiveness to everything we build.

Don’t have a problem on mind?

Talk us through your workflow and we are sure that we will find ways to make your life easier!

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